APC V/V karta SmartSlot s beznapěťovými kontakty

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APC V/V karta SmartSlot s beznapěťovými kontakty

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APC V/V karta SmartSlot s beznapěťovými kontakty

The Dry Contact I/O Card connects peripheral devices like buttons, door sensors, alarm panels, or float switches to the UPS.
Through the web user interface, you can:
• Monitor the status of the connected device
• Configure settings for the dry contact
• Monitor and configure connected Universal I/O sensors and contacts
• Set actions based on status changes or UPS events

The AP9614 replaces the AP9613, and provides improved benefits such as:
User-friendly Web Interface: Monitor your device from anywhere with our intuitive web user interface.
Best-in-class Security: Advanced technology and features keep sensitive data secure with the newest and best-in-class security compliance.
Streamlined Firmware Updates: Easily update your device's firmware through the new web interface, making maintenance simpler than ever.
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Detaily produktu

Výrobce APC
UCPS kód 8965548
UPC kód (EAN) 0731304733065
Pozice v kategorii 1. (v Ostatní příslušenství)
Pozice v kategorii 12150. (v Elektronika, telefony a počítače)

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